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St Patrick’s Day Parade 2017 @ Yppenplatz

Am Samstag, 18. März 2017, um 11:30

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Yppenplatz Yppenplatz, 1160 Wien

KommentarVienna Pipes and Drums will once again play as part of the annual Vienna St. Patrick’s Day parade, this year starting at Yppenplatz in the 16th district and finishing at the Ottakringer brewery, where there will be a festival organised by the Irish embassy. The parade starts at 11:30 and will last about 30 minutes. A rare chance to see the full band playing through the streets of Vienna!

Please note the different route to previous years - this time we start at Yppenplatz in 1160 and not at the Schottenkirche.

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März 2017 || Woche 11/2017 || 18. März 2017