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HYPNOSIS von David Tristram

Wiederholender Termin, aktuelle Instanz: Dienstag, 21. April 2015
Jeden Tag
Wiederholung beginnend mit 8. April 2015, bis 23. Mai 2015
Um 19:30

Kategorie: Kunst & Kultur

Ort: KiP. Kunst im Prückel Biberstraße 2 1010 Wien

ÖBBOEBB Routenplaner
 1 mal 2 Eintrittskarten gewinnen  für 14.5

by David Tristram
“Hypnosis” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD

The Great Gordo, an alcoholic stage hypnotist in the twilight of his career, randomly chooses Alan Briggs as his next stooge. Briggs, a mild-mannered policeman, plays along, the audience laughs and everything seems well. But someone out there has other ideas - the mind games begin and we sense that there can only be one winner - but who?
A hilarious mixture between thriller and farce, this play will have you in stitches throughout and will keep you guessing until the very end. Winner of our Open Minds Series 2014!

Tom MIDDLER (Gordo)
Alan BURGON (Alan)
Julia C. THORNE (Helen)

Director: Robert G. NEUMAYR
Scenic Design: Eric LOMAS
Costume Design: Maria KREBS
Production Manager: Paul ELSBACHER

Premiere: May 7, 2015


Ticket Sale starts April 13, 2015
By telephone: 0 6 8 0 / 2 2 5 1 2 9 0
Monday-Friday between 10 am and 2 pm


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April 2015 || Woche 17/2015 || 21. April 2015