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AnnaNachhilfe (46)

Armin Van Buuren - Mirage1

Am Freitag, 10. Juni 2011, um 21:00

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: Bratislava - Ondrej Nepela Arena

KommentarThe World’s No.1 DJ Presents… Armin Only ‘Mirage’ – Bratislava Armin Van Buuren, the world’s No.1 DJ (2007-2010), is presenting a spectacular show in Bratislava next summer. Armin will be bringing his Armin Only: ‘Mirage’ world tour to Slovakia on June 10th 2011 for an event that is not to be missed. General admission early bird tickets are 45 Euro, although in the run-up to Christmas the first 1000 tickets will sell for just 39,50 Euro! Infos:

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Juni 2011 || Woche 23/2011 || 10. Juni 2011