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RADpaRADe 2016 - Superheroes on wheels :)

Am Sonntag, 3. April 2016, um 10:30

Kategorie: Event-Tipps

Ort: beim Burgtheater Josef Meinrad Platz, 1010, Wien,

KommentarAre there any superheroes fans who also love cycling?!
We know there are!!! Do you want to help promoting cycling in Vienna???? SURE YOU DO!!!!

Join us on the 3rd April for the 6th RADpaRADade
( and let's have tons of fun together!!!!

Link to the original event:

We were there last year and, on our own initiative, decided to dress up to make it even more enjoyable :) but surprisingly, we were among only very few out of 7000 (!) who wore proper costumes and the only SUPERHEROES pedalling among thousands of cycling enthusiast.

This year we would love to cycle with as many superheroes as possible, SO WE ARE INVITING ALL OF YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILIES TO JOIN US!!! You can be any superhero you want to!!!! No limits to your imagination!!!!
You have just over two months to get ready - plenty of time :)
Let’s bring smiles up on people's faces together while spreading the love for cycling!!!!


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April 2016 || Woche 13/2016 || 3. April 2016